In a parallel universe, far far away…

Beware of fake tokens! Check the contract address is the same as the one at the top of the pag

The Lazer Visionaries

on the distant planet Sol, an independent republic of the Cryptoverse, the Imperial fleet of the Empire of the SEC, led by Lord Admiral Gensler is closing in on the rebellion stronghold of The Lazer Visionaries.

Gensler, in command of the Imperial SEC fleet, is willing to take a huge risk to eliminate these irritating Visionaries. They are the only opponents standing between him and full, total and complete control of Planet sol and the eventual destruction of the Cryptoverse.

Gensler, in command of the Imperial SEC fleet, is willing to take a huge risk to eliminate these irritating Visionaries. They are the only opponents standing between him and full, total and complete control of Planet Sol and the eventual destruction of the Cryptoverse.

However, he must be careful, one mistake and he could be taken out either by a Laser Eye strike, or worse, by his superior, Empress Yellen.

Empress Yellen is determined to end the rebellion as she see’s the very existence of the Lazer Visionaries and what they stand for as a a matter of Imperial National Security. If Gensler fails, he will simply be replaced with another, more able commander.

Empress Yellen is determined to end the rebellion as she see’s the very existence of the Lazer Visionaries and what they stand for as a a matter of Imperial National Security. If Gensler fails, he will simply be replaced with another, more able commander.

The Lazer Visionaries order is an elite army of fighters, led by Blaze Landwalker, who are trained in the ancient ways of The Gwei. They embody the very essence of The Cryptoverse: Financial Freedom, Independence, Choice and Justice.

These outspoken, extraordinary, brave and selfless individuals have shown immense courage to take a stand against the, controlling oppression that the Empire has inflicted on millions of people for many years.

Legend has it, the the order of the Lazer Visionaries was founded many years ago by the mythical Obi Wan Satoshi, the most powerful Lazer Visionary, who taught his disciples how to harness the power of The Gwei before he disappeared without trace, knowing the protection of the Cryptoverse was in good hands.

Legend has it, the the order of the Lazer Visionaries was founded many years ago by the mythical Obi Wan Satoshi, the most powerful Lazer Visionary, who taught his disciples how to harness the power of The Gwei before he disappeared without trace, knowing the protection of the Cryptoverse was in good hands.

On practicing and learning the ways of the Gwei over many years, The Lazer Visionaries order developed an unparalleled ability: laser eyes which could cut through any enemy, like a saber, making them one of the most formidable forces in the Cryptoverse.

After years of war, it comes to this: A final and decisive battle over freedom, choice and the very existence of The Cryptoverse itself. The battle is about to begin and there can be only one victor.

After years of war, it comes to this: A final and decisive battle over freedom, choice and the very existence of The Cryptoverse itself. The battle is about to begin and there can be only one victor.

Join Blaze, the leader of The Lazer Visionaries, in the fight against the Imperial Fleet as he Marshall’s his generals and his army in preparation for biggest battle in history of the Cryptoverse.

Only with your support can The Lazer Visionaries defeat  the Imperial fleet.
By holding LAZER tokens, you can help Blaze and the Lazer Visionaries fund their efforts so that we can truly define the future of planet sol and the entire Cryptoverse as well as enlighten others through the Laser Visionary movement.





May The Gwei be with you...always

You can buy $LAZER tokens on Uniswap or by clicking this link to take you there directly

The creators of LaserVisionary were motivated by the AI-generated Turbo Token project and its humble and endearing creator to use ChatGPT-4 to create something unique and different.

With the guidance and help of Chat GPT-4 and the incredible AI generated artwork by Midjourney, this project is a tribute to visionaries who dare to take a stand against the system and bring attention to the importance of financial freedom and decentralization.


The project is for entertainment purposes only and does not guarantee any financial returns. LaserVisionary Token ($LAZER) has no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, meme coins have captured the imagination of investors and communities alike. LaserVisionary Token is the result of a creative fusion between the widely popular laser eyes meme and the vibrant world of cryptocurrencies. With its unique laser-eyed mascot, Blaze the Fox, who is clever at outsmarting those who wish to destroy crypto and decentralization, Using a Star Wars themed parody, LaserVisionary aims to become the next big sensation in the meme coin space, creating a fun and engaging experience for the crypto community.

Building a strong community and promoting LaserVisionary Token ($LAZER) will involve various strategies, including:

* Social media campaigns on platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram

* Influencer partnerships in the crypto space

* Airdrops, giveaways, and contests to engage the community and attract new holders

* Regular updates and communication with the community to address concerns, answer questions, and gather feedback


Ticker: LAZER / $LAZER

Token Name: Lazer Visionary tokens

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 LAZER

How To Buy $LAZER Tokens:


TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS: : 0x02874922210432f36E238bced4f52b3652B3EECE

Step 1

Download and set up a compatible wallet, such as MetaMask or Phantom

Step 2

Purchase Solana (SOL) on a cryptocurrency exchange and transfer it to your walle

Step 3

Visit the decentralized exchange and connect your wallet. You can also click the buttons at the top and bottom of this page.

Step 4

Copy the contract address from this website and paste into swap area LAZER Token (LAZER) as the desired token and enter the amount you’d like to buy. 

Step 5

Review the transaction details, confirm the swap, and enjoy your LAZER Token!

Hurry as the forces of The Empire draw close.